What is Nazar?


In this article, we will explore the mystery of one of the well-known spiritual symbols, the blue eye-shaped talisman. Let’s figure out what is Nazar, where it came from, and what are the beliefs around it.

The Nazar amulet’s full name is “Nazar BoncuÄźu” (pronounced “Nazar Bon-Juk”).

The beliefs around it spread out to the entire world from Turkish culture.

A famous glass blue eye-shaped amulet that is used to protect from the curse of the evil eye, so known that it even got its own Emoji! 🧿 (U+1F9FF Unicode Character)

The word “Nazar” comes from the Arabic language, meaning sight or look;

“BoncuÄźu” translates to “pearl” or “beads”. This is why it is also known as the “pearl of the look”.

6 Nazar Amulet

Nazar Amulet Origin

The blue Turkish talisman has been used in many cultures for protection against negative energies.

The Nazar BoncuÄźu symbol can be seen in the ancient world throughout Mediterranean countries such as Armenia, Iran, and Greece. But particularly in Turkey, where it can be found hanging on doors, windows, necklaces, bracelets, and even car mirrors. It is believed that the eye-like design of the Nazar Boncuk wards off envy, misfortune, and evil spirits by reflecting them away from those who wear or display it.

As a result, this powerful symbol has become an important part of many cultures’ spiritual protection.

Where does this superstition come from?

The belief behind the Nazar Boncuk stems from ancient times when superstitions were common beliefs about how to ward off evil forces and bad luck.

Some believe that since eyes are seen as portals into the soul, they can also be used to repel evil. Thus, an eye-shaped amulet is believed to protect whatever it watches over as well as provide insight into potential threats or dangers.

Tree with nazars

This superstition has been around for centuries and is still a part of many cultures today. Whether it’s worn as jewelry or hung in homes or cars, the Nazar amulet continues to provide protection against negative energies and evil forces. As such, this powerful talisman remains a strong symbol of spiritual protection throughout the Middle East.

The Dark Blue Color of Nazar

As Plutarch, the Greek philosopher noted, those with blue eyes were thought to be better at cursing, which could be one of the reasons that the Nazar amulet is typically blue.

Nazar amulet layers explained

The traditional color for the typical Nazar Boncuk is bright, combining deep and light blue.

The blue color is thought to ward off evil eyes and negative energies and attract good luck.

nazar jewelries

While its bright blue hue serves as a reminder not to take life’s blessings for granted. With its strong symbolism and potential to protect from the evil eye, the Nazar Boncuk is a powerful talisman of spiritual protection in many cultures.

Collection of many nazar eyes


No matter which faith or culture you associate with Hamsa has an inspiring meaning that provides protection and good luck throughout life’s journey. As it originated from so many different sources, Hamsa holds a special place in many people’s hearts and is seen as a unifying force in humanity. Its power transcends religion, race, and gender – making Hamsa one of the most beloved symbols around the world.

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No matter which faith or culture you associate with Hamsa has an inspiring meaning that provides protection and good luck throughout life’s journey.

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What is Hamsa?