The Greek Mataki (Kako Mati)

The Mataki, or blue eye in English, is a very common symbol in Greece. They are hung on the walls of shops and houses, in cars or they are worn as jewelry. The symbolism of Mataki (or “Mati”) is to protect the wearer or the place where it is located from “kako mati”, the evil eye! The evil eye is a spell of bad energy. A jealous “matiazei” person sends this type of bad energy to “cause bad luck” and trouble to the targeted person.

How does ‘Mati’ look like?

Mati is originally blue and white, but you can find many different versions that symbolize different beliefs.

The color orange is said to promote creativity and motivation, red is for strength, brown for a connection with nature. Yellowyellow represents health, grey protects against sadness, white opens the door tom goal setting. According to tradition, pink helps preserve friendships while dark blue signifies karma.

What the Mati is made of?

The Mati is traditionally crafted from special glass, which is believed to hold magical properties. This glass is made of quartz crystal ground into a fine powder and then mixed with various other minerals such as lead and antimony. The resulting glass is then heated at high temperatures and molded into a desired shape. Depending on the region in Greece, these charms can be made of different materials such as silver, copper, or even ceramic.

How is the Mataki used?

Matakis are hung on walls or worn as jewelry and amulets to ward off evil energy and misfortune. In addition, Greeks often hang multiple Matakis close together in a row in order to create a protective shield. People also wear Matakis as jewelry, either as a pendant or woven into a bracelet.

The Mataki is seen by many Greeks as a magical charm that brings luck and protection to its wearer.

Does the Greek Church recognize ‘Matiasma’?

The Greek Church recognizes the Mati as a sign of protection and does not consider it to be superstitious. In fact, many priests offer blessings for Mati during baptisms, weddings, and other important religious ceremonies. The Mati is seen as a blessing from the Orthodox faith and an important part of cultural heritage in Greece.

What Does the Evil Eye Do?

If you have been cursed by the evil eye, you may experience any of numerous symptoms, including headaches, fatigue, stress, anxiety, negative thinking patterns or just plain bad luck. If you are cursing yourself with these signs and cannot think of any other explanation for them except the evil eye, then it’s likely that someone has put this hex on you. This belief is especially common in Greece where they call it the Mati curse. People of all ages and genders can be affected by this malicious act but some say that women and children are more susceptible than others.

How Do You Protect Against the Evil Eye?

The Mati pendant is a popular way to ward off the evil eye, dating back to the 6th century BC. Also known as an eye charm, it is usually blue but can also be green. One belief is that the color blue represents light-colored eyes, which are not common in the Mediterranean and may be more likely to give the curse. If you’ve already been cursed with the Mati, you may want to perform a “xematiasma” or “an undoing of the eye.”

The xematiasma has different rituals associated with it, which may include an incantation or prayer, oil and water, and making the sign of the cross. It’s believed that the “Vaskania” prayer said during the xematiasma should be passed down between genders. Women teach it to men and vice versa. Different families and areas may have their own customs for banishing evil eye curses . Mothers commonly pin evil eye beads to their children’s clothes as protection, while Greek brides traditionally hide scissors on their wedding day for good luck.


No matter which faith or culture you associate with Hamsa has an inspiring meaning that provides protection and good luck throughout life’s journey. As it originated from so many different sources, Hamsa holds a special place in many people’s hearts and is seen as a unifying force in humanity. Its power transcends religion, race, and gender – making Hamsa one of the most beloved symbols around the world.

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No matter which faith or culture you associate with Hamsa has an inspiring meaning that provides protection and good luck throughout life’s journey.

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