The blue evil eye is a popular belief around the world. But where does this belief come from? Is it Turkish or Greek in origin? Let’s explore the history of the evil eye and find out.
Both Greek and Turkish cultures have similar beliefs about the evil eye, but there is no concrete answer as to which culture originated the belief. It’s likely that the tradition of protecting against the evil eye has been around for centuries, with different cultures adapting and evolving it in their own way. So while it’s impossible to pinpoint exactly where the belief comes from, it is clear that both Greek and Turkish cultures have had a lasting impact on how we view and protect ourselves against the evil eye today.
The Turkish “Nasar”
The Nazar is believed to be the origin of the evil eye tradition. It’s a centuries old belief that an envious or malicious look can cause harm and misfortune. In Turkish culture, it is believed a person who has the “evil eye” can cast spells on people, animals and even inanimate objects by simply looking at them. To ward off the “evil eye”, Turks use an amulet called a “Nazar Boncugu” or “eye bead” that is shaped like an eye and painted in bright blue.
The Greek “Mataki”
The Greek apotropaic tradition of averting the evil eye dates back to ancient Greece and Rome. The Greeks believed that anyone who received a compliment or attention was in danger of being cursed with the evil eye. To ward off this curse, people wore protective charms such as an eye-shaped amulet filled with herbs. The Greeks also had rituals and spells to protect against the evil eye.
The modern concept of warding off or reversing bad luck caused by an envious glare has been around for centuries in many cultures. To this day, you can find talismans or “evil eye beads” (known by various names) sold around the world in jewelry stores, markets, souvenir shops and even online. So whether you believe in the evil eye or not, it’s important to remember that protecting yourself against its curse is a custom that has been around for generations and continues to influence cultures today.
In conclusion, the exact origin of the belief in the evil eye is unknown. Although many cultures have adopted this belief over centuries, there is no definitive answer as to which culture first started it. However, both Greek and Turkish traditions have played an influential role in modern-day understandings of this tradition and how we protect ourselves from its effects.